A Cryptic commission in association with Cove Park
Photography: Tommy Ga-Ken Wan
A Cryptic commission in association with Cove Park
Photography: Tommy Ga-Ken Wan
Sonica, King’s Place, London
Fort du Bruissin Centre d’art contemporain, Francheville, Lyon
Sonica, Govanhill Baths, Glasgow
in Thomson’s obsessive machinations, we find sound making machines of this tangled wreckage, locked into their small repetitive movements and generating noises ‘emulating purpose in repetition’– Total Theatre
the objects began to rattle of their own accord, their rhythmic, stormy effusions negating the artist’s involvement to greater dystopian effect – Aesthetica Magazine
Thomson’s melancholy machines are caught in a non-productive cycle of cause and effect—a bleak poetic postscript to our end of days – Real Time Arts
The New Alps felt disconcerting, alienating, as though humans were intruding on a world where machines were in control – The Arts Desk
Rusting embers of industry litter the slopes of the New Alps, an open air burial on eroded ground above the tailings of mineral extraction. Bauxite may have been refined here at one time, the vast red lagoon is hemmed by a concrete levee that forms an unwavering alkaline shore before the regiments of cliffs. The earth reverberates from the rhythmic charge of automated machinery, burrowing conquerors reigning in a sublime manufactured landscape, emulating purpose in repetition.
Lines define the new topography of these mountains, two nuclear points connect to form a sharp horizon that marches on like an infinity pool. Progress is best sold with a converging perspective. When seen from the side a railway track becomes a chronology of movement, energy, labour and resources, perpendicular to the pursuit of leisure.
The chalet is a bomb shelter, the hydro station is an ornamental tomb. This is a remote place. We are removed from it.